When it comes to Ibizan herbs and their healing properties, there’s no better person to speak to than Irene Apolo, who has studied local plant medicine and rituals on the island for 25 years and was the first person to create a botanical product line on the island through her company, Laire. She uses La Granja’s growth of lavender, which is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as other medicinal herbs and plants, to create an insect repellent that’s distributed to La Granja’s guests.
“It’s such a beautiful place on the island, because La Granja not only cultivates fruits and vegetables that give nutrition and flavor, but also aromatic and medicinal plants,” she said. “It’s also a garden of medicine.”
Irene first began studying the medicinal properties when she had a health problem for which doctors told her she would need to medicate for the rest of her life. She knew that there were all these old wise women in southern Spain who know a lot about plants and their properties, so she decided to investigate.
“This was 25 years ago, so there was no internet,” said Irena. “I had to talk to all these old women and investigate for myself. They started taking me to the countryside to find herbs. I realized they are amazing. All the medicine is in the plants, and I was healthy again in three months.”

- Originated in south-central Mexico
- May help to ward off cancer and inflammation and assist digestion and heart health
- Harvested from late spring to early fall
- 4-7 years seed to harvest
- Originated in Mexico
- May help promote weight loss and relieve pain
- Grown in summer
- 60-95 days seed to harvest
- Originated in Persia
- Improves health of eyes, skin, hair, growth, and immune system
- Grown year round
- 60-80 days seed to harvest
- Originated in southern Asia
- Strengthens bones, reduces symptoms of anemia, improves cognition and cardiovascular health, protects the digestive system
- Grown in summer
- 100-150 days seed to harvest
- A great source of beneficial plant compounds like antioxidants and polyphenols
- Strengthens heart health, lowers risk for numerous chronic diseases
- Grown year round
- 2-3 weeks seed to harvest
- Rich with unique antioxidants, organic compounds, essential oils, vitamins and phytosterols
- Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties
- Thought to strengthen immunity and reduce risk of various diseases
Green Bean
- Originated in Peru
- Contains vitamins A, C, K, folic acid and fiber
- Supports brain health, repairs cell damage and strengthens bones
- Grown in summer
- 50-55 days seed to harvest
- Originated in the Mediterranean and Middle East
- Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, can help heal minor burns and insect bites
- Grown in summer
- 14-21 days from seed to harvest
- Originated in the Americas
- Improves eye health and reduces risk of cancer, anemia and heart disease
- Grown late spring to early fall
- 60-90 days seed to harvest
- Originated in the Americas
- Contributes to skin and hair health, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke
- Grown in spring
- 5 months to a year or more seed to harvest
- Originated in the South American Andes
- Improves heart and skin health, may prevent cancer and other diseases
- Grown late spring to summer
- 60-80 days or more seed to harvest
- Originated in Africa
- Improves heart and eye health, lowers inflammation, assists with digestion and hydration
- Grown in summer
- 80 days seed to harvest
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